Dr. YiShan Sun
Whole Body Transformation
Dr. Yishan Sun graduated from the esteemed National College of Natural Medicine (NCNM), the oldest accredited Naturopathic medical school in North America. She holds a Doctorate degree in Naturopathic Medicine and an advanced Master's degree in Classical Chinese Medicine. She is a licensed and board certified Acupuncturist and Herbalist.
In discovering the root cause of a symptom, Dr. Sun works with the innate intelligence of the body and facilitates its ability to heal and regenerate. In conjunction with Acupuncture, she uses the modalities of Applied Kinesiology, Total Body Modification, and Neuro Emotional Technique...to name just a few. These profound methods of diagnosis and treatment allow for an open dialog between the Practitioner and the Patient's body at an autonomic nervous system level. Dissolving blocks to the vitalism of the body is the most natural and effective way to optimize health; to neurologically and physiologically restore balance on all levels.